Mission Statement
WYAP advocates for youth ages 3-17 who are facing difficult life circumstances. We collaborate with our community’s vast array of talents, services, and resources to help empower our youth, parents, and caregivers.
Vision Statement
Proactively strengthening our community by empowering our youth to achieve their greatest potential.
Our Goals
- to continuously increase the positive impact we are having on our youth. We seek to empower parents and caregivers and advocate for our youth to connect them to the services they need most.
- to have a positive impact on many of the conditions which lead to a culture committed to building social emotional health in all of our youth
- to enrich and expand our cooperative relationship with all the schools that serve the youth that live in the Westfield Washington School district
- to build a sustainable organization
Jayne Slaton, Merciful H.E.L.P Director, expresses her awe for the way WYAP is structured and its true need in the community, as well as the hearts surrounding the program.