2023 Numbers

  • New Referrals in 2023: 120*
    *began accepting referrals March 1st because of staffing
  • Referrals to Date: 1359
  • Total Youth Served in 2023: 238
  • Cost per day for YAP Services: $1.42 per day
  • Cost Per Day for Juvenile Residential Placement: $435 per day
  • Volunteers: 145 volunteers
  • Volunteer Hours: 3,194 hours

2023 Highlights

Youth Recognition Breakfast

Our 13th annual Youth Recognition Breakfast, held May 10th at IMMI Conference Center, honored 19 students who have overcome adversity, demonstrated positive change, or made a positive academic turnaround. The recipients ranged from first through twelfth grade.

The student honorees received a brief presentation that highlighted their accomplishments and a special greeting from Blue, the Indianapolis Colts’ mascot. They also received a framed photo with special messages for them.

At the event, WYAP awarded our first two scholarships to two seniors at Westfield High School. One scholarship was in honor of Christine Brown for $5,002 to honor the 502 youth she worked with. The other, the WYAP scholarship, was for $1,000 and was presented to a former WYAP youth.

Two women holding holiday shopping bagsHoliday Giving

We are so grateful for the donors & shoppers who gave so generously for our youth needing support for the holiday! A massive thank you to Ashley Knott and the Westfield Education Foundation who helped a majority of our youth this year. We would also like to thank the Hamilton County Sheriff‘s Office Community Foundation, Secret Families of Hamilton County, the Women of Osborne Trails, Westfield Steel, the City of Westfield, Good Samaritan Network and Kiwanis Club of Westfield. Overall, more than 225 youth were provided holiday assistance through these combined efforts.