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Westfield Youth Assistance Program’s Christine D. Brown Memorial Scholarship Application is Open
WESTFIELD, INDIANA – The Westfield Youth Assistance Program’s (WYAP) application for the annual Christine D. Brown Memorial Scholarship is now available on the WYAP website.
The Memorial Scholarship is in honor of WYAP Early Intervention Advocate Christine Brown, who passed away in August of 2022. Christine’s family, the board of directors, and generous donors have established the Christine D. Brown Memorial Scholarship with one (1) annual $5,002 scholarship. Christine worked with 502 youth over her ten years with WYAP and touched countless lives in the Westfield community and beyond. The annual scholarship ensures that her legacy continues and is open to all current and former graduates 25 and under who attended Westfield Washington Schools or resided in the township.
“Christine was an integral part of the Youth Assistance Program, providing support and guidance to numerous youth and their families,” said WYAP Board President Tammy Havard. “We are honored to be able to continue to offer this scholarship in her name.”
During WYAP’s 14-year history, the program has connected hundreds of youth in Westfield with mentoring, tutoring, mental health counseling, medical services, enrichment activities, and more. The scholarship highlights WYAP’s emphasis on giving back to Westfield/Washington Township youth. Our long-term goal is to give the youth in our community every advantage to be successful and grow into adults who contribute in large measure to our community.
The application deadline for the scholarships is Monday, April 1, 2024. The recipient will be notified by April 15th and invited to attend the WYAP Youth Recognition Breakfast at IMMI in May.
Located thirty minutes north of Indianapolis, the Westfield Youth Assistance Program (WYAP) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization located at 2728 E. 171st St Westfield, IN 46074. WYAP serves youth ages 3-17 who are facing challenging life circumstances. WYAP takes a holistic approach to coordinate the community’s vast array of talents, services, and resources to help youth and empower parents and caregivers. 2024 marks the organization’s 15th anniversary.